
On the web: Szilvia & Stela - Street Core Photography

via Street Core Photography

Szilvia & Stela - Street Core Photography

"What to choose?" is many times answered with another question: "Why choose?"
Just a quick look at the MAGNUM Contact Sheets collection will answer the second question. If these masters/monsters of photography were denying themselves already when film was precious, if they would dumb 95% of their work by circling or checking just 3-4 frames out of 24 (36), there must be a reason.
More on Szilvia and Stela

2016 Manifestations

La loi relative au travail, à la modernisation du dialogue social et à la sécurisation des parcours professionnels a eu au moins un résultat ...

Noted on: roeschphotography.blogspot.fr - My Fujifilm X100F Acros Film Simulation Recipes

via roeschphotography.blogspot.fr

 My Fujifilm X100F Acros Film Simulation Recipes

Fujifilm X100F
I've had my Fujifilm X100F camera for one week now [...] it's a blast to use and just makes fantastic photos!
A lot has been said about how great the new Acros film simulation is. I can testify to the truth of it! I feel confident stating that it's the most film-like film simulation available on any digital camera. Acros looks beautiful, with great tones, contrast and grain. It's as good as any black-and-white film I've used, except with the convenience of digital. Fujifilm did a fantastic job creating this!