
2016 Nuits Debouts

La diversité des participants a été peu soulignée. Elle a toutefois évolué.

Assez extraordinaire dans les premiers temps,  elle a diminué ensuite avec quelques regains.

La première photographie est un assemblage sous forme de panorama de plusieurs vues. L'utilisation en "street photography" de procédés de ce type m'intéresse. Jusqu'à quel point le concept de "street photography" peut il être étiré ?

Incidemment, lors d'une rencontre du Fujifilm tour, j'ai testé le GFX. On m'a indiqué que pour la "street", ce n'était sans doute pas l'idéal. Je pense tout au contraire qu'en relevant le viseur, il aurait l'intérêt de donner au photographe un position assez proche de celle qu'impose les boitiers bi-objectifs. De plus, de la street avec 50Mp, cela serait assez ironique.

The diversity of participants was slightly stressed. However, it has evolved.

Quite extraordinary at first, it then declined with some aftermath.

The first photograph is a blended panorama of multiple views. The use in "street photography" of such processes is interesting. To what extent the concept of "street photography" can be stretched?

Incidentally, at a meeting of the Fujifilm Tour, I tested the GFX. I was told that for the "street", it was probably not ideal. I think on the contrary that the viewfinder would have the interest to give the photographer a close enough position to which on that was imposed TLR  camera. Furthermore,  "street" with 50Mp, that would be quite ironic.


On the web: Szilvia & Stela - Street Core Photography

via Street Core Photography

Szilvia & Stela - Street Core Photography

"What to choose?" is many times answered with another question: "Why choose?"
Just a quick look at the MAGNUM Contact Sheets collection will answer the second question. If these masters/monsters of photography were denying themselves already when film was precious, if they would dumb 95% of their work by circling or checking just 3-4 frames out of 24 (36), there must be a reason.
More on Szilvia and Stela

2016 Manifestations

La loi relative au travail, à la modernisation du dialogue social et à la sécurisation des parcours professionnels a eu au moins un résultat ...